Monday, 25 February 2013

Head dress

My knitting has been getting on my nerves this weekend - I am trying to adapt a pattern from this book to make it easier and it is actually making it harder so I put it down and returned to my current Tribal Belly dance obsession.

I went to a great workshop on Saturday with Pauline and Asif practising my Tribal combination Bellydance moves. Got home for a hot bath and yes... I did take my camera but not the memory card so I didn't take a picture of my dance scarf!! Today I was inspired to finish my dance outfit. Here is a little peak...

I used my trusty glue gun to attach random bits from my sewing box, scrapbooking desk and anything else I could lay my hands on. It is so wild I love it. I will get one of the lovely ladies to take a photo of me in it later at my dance class.
I have also crocheted a bra top but I am not brave enough to wear it on it's own so it is a good job Tribal lends itself to layering!
Annnyway, back to that knitting. Jo xx



  1. Hi Jo, you did a great job with the head dress. Tribal belly dancing sounds like a fun way to keep fit.
    Jacquie x

  2. Wow thats a fab headress!
    One of my bloggy friends is also a Tribal Belly dancer who knits and chrochets!
