A super quality item. I have a gripe with most children's craft kits in that they always deliver failure with poor or missing materials but this was first rate. Great instructions, lovely wool (if you are 7) and a sturdy loom with all the bits to put it together including the allen key. We set up quickly and off she went, both left and right.
I don't know why she wore crochet fingerless gloves but it all added to the charm of creating with her hands.The wooden guide dowels stopped her from pulling too hard on the end strings which she understood. She ended up with a tasseled square coaster not a banana shaped one.
A completed task in less than an hour, much satisfaction and joy all round. Well Done M, we can try the handbag next.
Thanks for looking at my left hander's achievements.
Jo xxxx
What a wonderful achievement, a job well done. Love the beautiful array of colour, would make a wonderful gift.
ReplyDeleteWell done little M. The colours are so pretty and it's turned out so neat. You concentrated very well. Can't wait to see the next item. Nanny has a good eye for finding the right presents.
ReplyDeleteWhat a great present! And she looks totally engrossed
ReplyDeleteWhat a lovely idea. I am a lefty but my grandma taught me sewing, crochet and knitting as a right handed person so I know no different. Beautiful results K xXx
ReplyDeleteShe is a chip off the old block :)
ReplyDeletesuch a sweet daughter you have! And a lovely coaster she's made!
ReplyDeleteHow wonderful, tell her I am so proud of her. From one weaver to another that is.
ReplyDeleteClever girl! and what a pretty piece of cloth she has produced! I love the colours. I'm really looking forward to seeing that bag now!
ReplyDeleteSo exciting! As a Leftie [except for swinging a baseball bat or a golf club] I read your post with special interest and appreciation, Jo! The coaster is lovely and I am cheering on your future efforts! xx