Wednesday, 11 March 2015

Pyjamas from pyjamas?

Big Sis has grown too tall for her Christmas pyjamas already. How did that happen?? I found some pyjama bottoms from a long time ago which are waaay too big for me... (postnatal I think) 
So I cut pyjamas from pyjamas...

I traced off two pattern pieces from one of my Ottobre children's magazines for the style below.

Then made two pairs of pyjama bottoms on the overlocker in no time. I even used the hem from the old trousers so that I didn't need to hem them.

A snail pair and a zebra pair.

...and she does...
I started tracing at 14:10 and folded them onto her bed at 15:15. I love my overlocker - How could I live without it?

Jo xxx


  1. I am with you on that, I have used mine almost daily since buying it. The only thing that frightens me is the threading, but mostly I have managed to tie on the new ones and ease them through.

    1. I do that but not always successfully. Luckily mine has colour coded threading for each spool.

  2. Great idea! I love the zebras especially!! xx

  3. What a great idea! What kind of overlocker do you have? I have been toying with buying one for ages but suffer from serious indecision. I need smaller children, mine wouldn't fit in pj's made from mine, except maybe Mr Tiny but he would not wear girl patterns. xx

  4. Flipping heck, that was super quick! I'm thinking of making pyjama bottoms for myself from a vintage sheet by tracing round an old pair of pyjama trousers. Wish me luck! xx

  5. Wow, impressive stuff. They are a real delight, beautiful.

  6. Great make do and mend Jo-fabulous new pyjamas from old. I agree totally-I have saved so much by using my overlocker, so easy and quick with jersey, they are great!
    Best wishes
    Alison xx

  7. Very clever, Jo! I have a friend who started a successful business creating swimsuits for synchronized swimmers. She has three overlockers and puts them all to use beautifully. I have never conquered threading sewing machines so have seldom used them, but I admire those like you who use them so well! xx

  8. wow you are a fast worker and they look great ! :) xx

  9. What a satisfying, super quick project. There's nothing better than giving new life to a garment that is not worn.

  10. You are so smart! I love them.
