Saturday 19 August 2023

Mini Holidays

OK so the weather is pretty rubbish here in the UK but we have still been out and about. 

My childhood friend lives in Bath and asked if we wanted to stay at their house while they were away on holiday so the girls and I packed up for a weekend in Bath. My oldest girl remembered bits of the city from a visit when she was about four - it is amazing what kids can remember isn't it?


It was a lovely time spent shopping, eating, visiting the Kaffe Fassett exhibition in the Victoria Gallery and of course the obligatory visit to the Roman Baths.

On the way home we called in at Dyrham Park on the outskirts of Bath and again Heidi had some flashbacks. It was a much slicker National Trust experience than when we went 12 years ago. The gardens were wonderful and although the youngest, Megan, doesn't really enjoy this kind of outing, she loved taking photos which she really excels at.

The following weekend we went to Gwatkins Down on the Farm music festival in Hereford. It was a mixed experience for us all. Most of the music was a bit on the heavy/punk side but it was nice to just hang out and enjoy a bit of camping, a few ciders and some lovely food.

We took the dog which meant we enjoyed a 3 mile walk in the morning to investigate the colourful field we passed on the way to the event. It was a sea of roses!

The music wasn't for him so we tucked him up in the van before heading back the main barn in the evening. He was beside himself with excitement at how many other dogs were there and he had a run around the camp field with a couple of friendly retrievers.

We love visiting other places but nothing really beats getting back home.

Been anywhere this August?
Jo xxxx

1 comment:

  1. So glad you enjoyed Bath. If you ever get to go again, there are some quilts up at the American Museum. I've also seen a Kaffe Fassett exhibition up there in the past as well. The American quilts are much older. I just love the photo of your girls with the dog. Wonderful. And I'm glad he made some dog friends. I am just back from North Wales which the dog found hugely stressful. Trying to keep an eye on his pack at all times, sheep in the street, hang gliders dropping out of the sky and the most substantial goat I've ever seen, roaming free. I persuaded the dog to sidle up closer so I could take a photo and we both jumped out of our skin when it snort-sneezed really loudly. Glad you are enjoying the summer. CJ xx
