Wednesday 12 October 2022

Nevertheless she persisted

 After eight months of struggling with tennis elbow, my arm is easing up a bit and it has allowed me to knit again in very short bursts. I have been setting the timer on my phone and trying a few rows a night. It has in fact helped me to get my dexterity back in my right hand which had really gone to pot. 

I have been using my left hand so much over the last year that I kept dropping things when I used my right hand because the muscles had not been receiving signals from my brain to use it in a fine motor capacity.

Aaannnyywayyy, the punchline is that I have completed my One and Done shawl which is a free pattern from ravelry for using up a single skein of sock yarn. I can't say that I would recommend the layout of the instructions but it is interchangeable and you can mash up the sections however you like which is what I have done here.

The yarn was purchased at Wonderwool in April. It was hard to buy yarn when I knew that I could not get stuck into it straight away but I really loved the green colourway.

This shawl needs an essential blocking to reveal the dropped stitch ladders. It is not perfect, there are a few knobbly stitches here and there but it served a purpose to get me gently back on the needles just in time for the nights drawing in. 

Unheard of for me but this year I have only finished one started shawl and crocheted a necklace. That's it. I have an unfinished tank top left now which I started in May. That is next on my 'gentle' list.

Hope you like it. Jo xxxx


  1. Well done you. You have really struggled with that arm. I am also still having trouble with mine and think it might be tennis elbow. The shawl looks great a butterfly from a caterpillar indeed.

  2. Qué bien que ya puedas tejer y acabar tu precioso chal, me encanta el color verde. BESICOS.

  3. It must be awful not to be able to knit when you want to (and I'm sure the pain is not much fun either). The shawl is gorgeous and a great color on you.

  4. Glad to hear your elbow is improving Jo, they can take a very long time to recover but how frustrating it must be! Your shawl is beautiful, soon you’ll be knitting socks again!

  5. I'm glad your arm is beginning to improve at last. Long may it continue. The shawl is lovely. Xx

  6. Beautifully done, I absolutely love the colour. So glad your elbow is improving as well. CJ xx
