It has been a little quiet over here of late because we have been on holiday with all the preparation that entails. Our week in Aberdyfi in Wales was the most relaxing, well earned break. We missed our holiday to Switzerland last year and I decided way back in October, when I looked into my crystal ball, that we should book somewhere in the UK for a holiday. I kind of surmised that the whole of the UK holidaying population could not fit into the UK holiday destinations available in one summer season. I was right and in the end we went in school time because so many places were already booked up.
Our other back up was to buy a camper van and an awning just in case we were able to get out for a few nights away later in the summer. We went in the van which was perfect as a modest wet suit changing cubicle, mobile coffee and sandwich shop and an all round mahoosive suitcase for taking fun things to do on holiday.

Holidays are a huge part of our family life. Bloke is a Key worker and so was I last year when I was teaching which has been very stressful so we just wanted to stop, take stock and look at ourselves for a moment. Big girl is thirteen and little one is 11, they still enjoy holidays with us but I know that won't last forever.

Anyway, less of the personal musings. We are all fit and healthy, happy and afloat so lets crack on with the photos!...
I know you will be disappointed to hear that that the photo of me in my wet suit was out of focus - that is my story and I am sticking to it. It was possible to get it on but the process was not pretty!
Little one and me spent a happy hour collecting and sorting stones.
Two van mugs were a very pleasurable purchase for someone who hyperventilates when spending any amount of money. I love them.
There are bags and bags of shells...
There was a jellyfish sting from one of these compass jellyfish. Heidi informed me it was like lots of very hot nettle stings. For your information: you need to put the area in a hot bath, as hot as you can stand and it stops the pain which she said worked.
Crabbing was unsuccessful in terms of numbers caught but we just liked dangling the lines and watching fish eating all the bait - it seemed kinder somehow.
I may have over-egged the joy to be had at the Portmerion village to our children. Little one was so unimpressed for the first half an hour when she found out you couldn't just wander around inside people's houses and she was similarly unimpressed that looking at the view was actually the entertainment. Big girl loved it but she then she loves design, architecture and miniature things.

She warmed up a bit on a woodland walk and when we reached the centre of the village. It wasn't helped by my eternal optimism about the day's weather. I promised it would warm up, convinced her to wear sandals and her feet were cold. The again, so were mine but you don't go on holiday in Wales for the weather so I ate humble pie and apologised.
All in all the cooked breakfasts at the hotel just couldn't go on. It was time for a slow drive home. We had a fabulous holiday but we were all missing Beano our dog.
Thanks for dropping in. I will be calling in to see you folks this week. Jo xxxx