The fabric shelf in my cupboard is looking a bit full of scraps, I don't mind this per se but I like to keep small pieces of fabric moving rather than festering. There are some nice larger pieces in there but they are being creatively obscured by the choppy bits.
In order to get to the bigger stuff I decided to make a top I had been inspired to make by SoZo. I have not used up quite so many pieces as her version but it put me in mind of two fabrics that I knew would go together really well from my own cupboard.
The navy needle cord was from my friend in what I shall now refer to as the 'lockdown bag'! It wasn't quite enough for a skirt but it had a little stretch in it so it was suitable for a top.
My all time favourite pattern is the Scout Tee by Grainline Studio. If you do not have this pattern, I highly recommend you invest in it. It is not cheap but it pays you back over and over especially if you are a jeans-wearing-kind-of-woman. It is easy to make, uses very little fabric and can be customised in so many different ways.
(It makes a rather comfortable PJ top too)

The final piece in the puzzle was a bit of viscose which I really like. I made this sleeveless top from it which I wear a lot with a red cardigan so I thought I would make the most of the last piece.